Making informed choices when it comes to shade structures can be tricky with all the technical and legislative rules to navigate around. Getting the right information will ensure you won’t be left in the dark on shade. Being an informed buyer allows you to make the best decisions to get exactly what will work for your shade needs. Our sales consultants are very knowledgable so ask them questions if things aren’t perfectly clear.

Key things to consider when purchasing a shade structure include:

  1. Does the design meet your needs? Considers heights, angles, seasonal sun movement & surrounding structures.
  2. Installers must be licensed to operate in NSW. Ask for a license number and then check its validity with NSW Fair Trading.
  3. Are the best materials being used? Shade cloths and PVC have varying strengths, UV levels and warranties.
  4. Is it designed to deter vandals? The location of fences and playground equipment, clearance heights,anti climbing guards will discourage vandals.
  5. Are you getting value for money? Compare posts sizes, footing depths, types of fabrics.
  6. Beware of the cheapest option. Cheap materials abound. Don’t risk a cheap result.